April 7, 2017

You’re a Match!

Buyer Match


You've been successfully matched to other qualified buyer(s)!

Your Buyer Matches have also confirmed on email that they are willing to also register to meet with you.

Click below to pay the $99 Buyer Match fee.

Upon successful payment, you'll be connected to your buyer matches by email*. You'll also receive a phone call in due course from a property buyer's agent or mortgage broker, who will facilitate a group meeting.

Ideally, you'd prepare to buy a development site as a group, with the view to subdivide and build on your newly created lot.

Develop as a group

If things don't go to plan with meeting your initial matches, don't sweat. We'll continue to introduce you more buyer matches for up to 12 months for no additional fee.

So go ahead to our payment page to meet your future neighbours, and begin finding and building your new home wholesale!

*NOTE - By processing your payment, you agree to have your name and contact details emailed to your other Buyer Matches, and their details will also be emailed to you. If you do not wish your first name and contact details released to your other Buyer Matches, please add a special instruction in the payment process to this effect. Or please instruct us via our Contact Form, or email.